COOKmate Online allows to import recipes from .csv files using this page :
Here is an example of .csv file :
"title","prepTime","cookTime","totalTime","quantity","description","ingredients","recipe","url","imageUrl","nutrition","comments","rating","video","source","categories","tags" "Cherry Tomato Pizza","15 min","8 min","23 min","4","","1 pizza dough 4 servings of cheese 12 cherry tomatoes oregano tomato coulis","Preheat your oven to 220 ° C (th.7-8). Prepare a baking dish and place your pizza dough in it. Cover this with 3 tbsp. tomato coulis. Sprinkle with 1 tsp. coffee of oregano. Wash, seed the cherry tomatoes and cut into thin slices on a kitchen board. Arrange these slices of tomatoes on the dough. Finally add the cheese portions. Bake for 8 minutes. Serve.","","","","","5","","","Pizza","" "Grilled salmon steak by Romy","5M","10M","15M","2","Here is an easy dish and always very good. Inratable!","2 fresh salmon patches, with skin 1 tbsp. tablespoon of olive oil sea salt pepper with the mill 2 slices of lemon","Rinse the fish and remove the edges if there are any, using forceps. Salt flesh side. In a nonstick skillet, heat a little oil. Add the salmon steaks on the skin side against the bottom. Sear the fish for 3 minutes over high heat then lower the heat and cover to continue cooking 4 to 8 minutes, depending on the thickness. Remove the lid of the pan, turn the salmon steaks and leave them about 30 seconds. Salt lightly and give a pepper mill turn. Serve very hot, decorated with a slice of lemon.","","","","","5","","Romy","Dish","Gluten free"
Description of CSV files
Character set: UTF-8
Field delimiter: ,
Text delimiter: “
Supported column names
title: Title of the recipe
prepTime: Preparation time
cookTime: Cook Time
totalTime: Total Time
quantity: Yield
description: Description of the recipe. You can have multiple lines.
ingredients: Ingredients of the recipe. You can have multiple lines.
recipe: Directions. You can have multiple lines.
url: URL of the recipe
imageUrl: URL of the image of the recipe
nutrition: Nutritions
comments: Any comments you want to add. You can have multiple lines.
rating: Rating integer
video: URL of the video of the recipe
source: Source or Author
categories: Recipe categories sepatated by a comma.
tags: Recipe tags separated by a comma.