We are happy to announce that Cookmate (formerly My CookBook) is available on Alexa!
Try it and contact us if you have any feedback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BZP1M1G

Open your favorite recipes with Alexa!
Follow these steps to use the Cookmate skill:
- You need a Cookmate Online account. You can register using this link : https://www.cookmate.online/accounts/register/
- Open Amazon Alexa app on your phone or tablet.
- Open the main menu and tap on Skills
- Search Cookmate and enable the skill
- Open the settings of the skill
- Login to your Cookmate Online account with Alexa
Now you will be able to view your recipes from your private cookbook with Alexa.
Commands you can use :
- Launch COOK mate skill :
- Alexa, Run Cook mate : Alexa launches the skill and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : I want to cook a chocolate cake or just answer a chocolate cake
- Alexa, Open Cook mate
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Alexa, Open a chocolate cake with Cook mate : Alexa finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Alexa, Search Cook mate for a chocolate cake
- Alexa, Start Cook mate and find a chocolate cake
- Alexa, Load Cook mate and search a chocolate cake
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Alexa, Run Cook mate and read ingredients
- Alexa, Ask Cook mate ingredients
- Read directions : Alexa reads the first step of your recipe
- Alexa, Run Cook mate and read directions
- Alexa, Ask Cook mate steps
- Read the next step
- Alexa, Run Cook mate and read next step
- Alexa, Ask Cook mate next step
- Read the previous step:
- Alexa, Run Cook mate and read previous step
- Alexa, Ask Cook mate previous step
- Get the next recipe of your search results
- Alexa, Run Cook mate and get the next recipe
- Alexa, Ask Cook mate the next recipe
- Show ingredients and directions of the last recipe on your Echo Show
- Alexa, show me ingredients and instructions
- List your recipes on your Echo Show
- Alexa, Ask Cook mate to list my recipes
- Alexa, List chicken recipes
- Launch COOK mate skill :
- Alexa, Lade cook mate : Alexa launches the skill and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : Ich möchte einen Schokoladenkuchen kochen or just answer Schokoladenkuchen
- Alexa, Öffne cook mate
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Alexa, Öffne einen Schokoladenkuchen mit cook mate : Alexa finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Alexa, Suche Schokoladenkuchen im cook mate
- Alexa, Starte cook mate und finde einen Schokoladenkuchen
- Alexa, Lade cook mate und suche einen Schokoladenkuchen
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Alexa, Öffne cook mate und lies die Zutaten
- Alexa, Frage cook mate Zutaten
- Read directions : Alexa reads the first step of your recipe
- Alexa, Öffne cook mate und lies die Zubereitung
- Alexa, Frage cook mate Schritte
- Read the next step
- Alexa, Öffne cook mate und lies den nächsten Schritt
- Alexa, Frage cook mate den nächsten Schritt
- Read the previous step:
- Alexa, Öffne cook mate und lies den vorherigen Schritt
- Alexa, Frage cook mate den vorherigen Schritt
- Get the next recipe of your search results
- Alexa, Öffne cook mate und suche das nächste Rezept
- Alexa, Frage cook mate nach dem nächsten Rezept
- Show ingredients and directions of the last recipe on your Echo Show
- Alexa, Zutaten und Anweisungen
- List your recipes on your Echo Show
- Alexa, Öffne cook mate und zeig mir meine rezepte
- Alexa, Torte rezepte auflisten
- Démarrer la skill COOK mate :
- Alexa, lance Cook mate : Alexa lance la skill et vous demande ce que vous souhaitez cuisiner ? Vous pouvez répondre : Je souhaite cuisiner un gâteau au chocolat ou juste la recette du gâteau au chocolat
- Alexa, ouvre Cook mate
- Trouver une recette dans votre carnet privé :
- Alexa, Demande à Cook mate la recette du gâteau au chocolat : Alexa cherche une recette et vous demande si vous souhaitez lire les ingrédients, lire les instructions, ou rechercher la recette suivante
- Alexa, Cherche un gâteau au chocolat sur Cook mate
- Alexa, Ouvre Cook mate et cherche un gâteau au chocolat
- Alexa, Lance Cook mate et trouve un gâteau au chocolat
- Lire les ingrédients de la dernière recette :
- Alexa, Démarre Cook mate et lis les ingrédients
- Alexa, Demande à Cook mate les ingrédients
- Lire les instructions : Alexa list la 1ère étape de votre recette
- Alexa, Démarre Cook mate et lis les instructions
- Alexa, Demande à Cook mate les étapes
- Lire l'étape suivante :
- Alexa, Démarre Cook mate et lis l'étape suivante
- Alexa, Demande à Cook mate l'étape suivante
- Lire l'étape précédente :
- Alexa, Démarre Cook mate et lis l'étape précédente
- Alexa, Demande à Cook mate l'étape précédente
- Obtenir la recette suivante de votre dernière recherche :
- Alexa, Démarre Cook mate et cherche la recette suivante
- Alexa, Demande à Cook mate la recette suivante
- Afficher les ingrédients et les directions de la dernière recette sur votre Echo Show :
- Alexa, Montre moi les ingrédients et les instructions
- Listez vos recettes sur votre Echo Show
- Alexa, demande à Cook mate de lister les recettes de gâteau au chocolat
- Alexa, lister mes recettes
- Launch cook mate skill :
- Alexa, Lancia cook mate : Alexa launches the skill and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : Voglio cucinare una torta al cioccolato or just answer una torta al cioccolato
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Alexa, Chiedi a cook mate una torta al cioccolato : Alexa finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate e trova una torta al cioccolato
- Alexa, Apri cook mate e cerca una torta al cioccolato
- Alexa, Usa cook mate e cerca una torta al cioccolato
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate e leggi gli ingredienti
- Alexa, Chiedi a cook mate ingredienti
- Read directions : Alexa reads the first step of your recipe
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate e leggi le indicazioni
- Alexa, Chiedi a cook mate passi
- Read the next step :
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate e leggi il prossimo passo
- Alexa, Chiedi a cook mate il prossimo passo
- Alexa, Avanti
- Read the previous step :
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate e leggi il passo precedente
- Alexa, Chiedi a cook mate passo precedente
- Get the next recipe of your search results :
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate e cerca la ricetta successiva
- Alexa, Chiedi a cook mate la prossima ricetta
- Show ingredients and directions of the last recipe on your Echo Show :
- Alexa, ingredienti e istruzioni
- List your recipes on your Echo Show :
- Alexa, Avvia cook mate e Lista di ricette
- Alexa, Elenca torta
- Launch My CookBook skill :
- Alexa, Abre Mis recetas : Alexa launches the skill and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : Voglio cucinare una torta al cioccolato or just answer una torta al cioccolato
- Alexa, Empieza Mis recetas
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Alexa, Abre Mis recetas para tarta de chocolate : Alexa finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Alexa, Busca un pastel de chocolate
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Alexa, Abre Mis recetas y lee los ingredientes
- Alexa, ingredientes : if My CookBook is already open
- Read directions : Alexa reads the first step of your recipe
- Alexa, lee las instrucciones
- Alexa, pasos
- Read the next step :
- Alexa, lee el siguiente paso
- Alexa, siguiente paso
- Read the previous step :
- Alexa, Abre Mis recetas y lee el paso anterior
- Alexa, el paso anterior
- Get the next recipe of your search results :
- Alexa, Abre Mis recetas y obtén la próxima receta
- Alexa, la próxima receta
- Show ingredients and directions of the last recipe on your Echo Show
- Alexa, ingredientes e instrucciones
- List your recipes on your Echo Show
- Alexa, Abre Mis recetas y Enumera recetas
- Alexa, Enumerar chocolate recetas
- Launch My CookBook skill :
- Alexa, Abrir Minhas Receitas : Alexa launches the skill and asks you what do you want to cook ?
- Alexa, Inicie Minhas Receitas
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Alexa, peça ao Minhas Receitas encontrar um bolo de chocolate : Alexa finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Alexa, Buscar por bolo de chocolate
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Alexa, abre Minhas Receitas e leia os ingredientes
- Alexa, ingredientes : if My CookBook is already open
- Read directions : Alexa reads the first step of your recipe
- Alexa, peça ao Minhas Receitas os passos
- Alexa, passos
- Read the next step :
- Alexa, Leia o próximo passo
- Alexa, Próxima instrução
- Read the previous step :
- Alexa, Abre Minhas Receitas e leia a etapa anterior
- Alexa, direção anterior
- Get the next recipe of your search results :
- Alexa, Inicia Minhas Receitas e obtenha a próxima receita
- Alexa, próxima receita
- Show ingredients and directions of the last recipe on your Echo Show
- Alexa, ingredientes e instruções
- List your recipes on your Echo Show
- Alexa, Abre Minhas Receitas e exibir receitas
- Alexa, exibir bolo de chocolate
19 thoughts on “Cookmate : Alexa skill is available!”
Alexa integration is an ESSENTIAL functionality in my home. I just bought a premium subscription based on the advertised Alexa integration and im now seeing that the Alexa skill is no longer unavailable. Is this something that will be worked out eventually (and if so, is there any estimate as to when this will be restored), or do I need to look for another solution?
This skill is no longer available on Amazon/Alexa. Any update on why? Or if it will be restored?
Amazon has removed it… I am working to restore it but they are not very responsive … Thanks for your patience
Hallo, nachdem ich mich registriert habe lässt der skill sich nicht mit meinen Konto verknüpfen. Ich bekomme immer wieder den Hinweis ” Cookmate – formerly My CookBookmkonnte nicht mit Alexa verknüpft werden. Bei der Verknüpfung des Skills mit Ihrem Konto ist ein Problem aufgetreten” weis jemand wie das Problem gelöst werden kann?
Geht bei mir auch nicht, hast du schon eine Lösung?
I would like to make some suggestions.
After speaking a direction, wait a few seconds before leaving to receive an order such as repeat, next step, previous step, ingredients…
Ability to listen to the ingredients step by step.
Hi Daniel, thanks for your feedback!
I will try to improve the skill during this year
Have a happy new year!
Can you make it so we can have a split screen allowing us to view ingredients and directions at once?
Hi, Have your tried the vocal command “Alexa, show me ingredients and instructions” ?
That does work, but it would be nice, if that was the standard view!
Does anyone test these skills before releasing them?? I tell my BRAND NEW, UP TO DATE Alexa show to “Run My Cookbook” and it launches a browser and opens Facebook. After lots of trial and error I found if I say “Alexa, launch my recipes with my cookbook” it will launch this skill but only shows 10 recipes and I have yet to figure out how to list more. I have tried all the suggestions above and none of them seem to work. All I get is a list of 10 recipes, a completely different skill or a message telling me there is a problem connecting to the service. I am disabling this skill, removing my account and moving to Recipe Speak.
Hi Doug,
I am sorry you had some issues…
If you have some issues to invoke the skill, you can create your own routines on Alexa: You can choose your own phrase to invoke Cookmate : https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G2PYLKJN3XVZ55EQ
The list recipes command shows only 10 recipes. But you can filter them by saying for example “list my chicken recipes”.
Feel free to contact the support here if you have any feedback https://www.cookmate.support/hc/en-us/requests/new
Just signed up for this today. Love the fact that it works with Echo Show. Could I request that if would be possible to ask Alexa to tell me what is on the menu for a meal for the day. Such as “Alexa, Ask My Cookbook what’s for Dinner” then ask her to show me the recipe
Hi John, we’ll try to add new commands in our Alexa skill in a future release !
Is there a way to list recipes?
I was hoping to have them display on my echo show
Yes! We have added this feature today!
Io sono agganciato all’ecosistema Google Home, non sarebbe possibile fare lo stesso con Google Assistant? Grazie
Hi Claudio, Yes a Google Assistant app is planned in the future!
Have a nice day