Dropbox is a cloud-based file hosting service that allows you to synchronize folders across multiple devices.
By linking COOKmate to your Dropbox account, you can:
- Backup your recipes.
- Synchronize recipes between various devices.
- Access your last 100 backups directly from Dropbox!
All you need is a free Dropbox account to enjoy these features: https://www.dropbox.com/login.
How to Link COOKmate to Dropbox
- In the action bar, choose Dropbox from the dropdown menu.
- You will be redirected to the Dropbox website where you can:
- Log in to an existing Dropbox account, or
- Create a free Dropbox account if you don’t already have one.
- After logging in, grant COOKmate permission to access the COOKmate folder in your Dropbox account.
2. You will be redirected to the Dropbox website where you can:
- Log in to an existing Dropbox account, or
- Create a free Dropbox account if you don’t already have one.
3. After logging in, grant COOKmate permission to access the COOKmate folder in your Dropbox account.
Managing Your Files:
After linking, you’ll be able to view your files directly from your Dropbox account.
- Export Recipes or Shopping Lists: The export option in the action bar allows you to save all your recipes to your Dropbox account for backup or sharing.
- Import Recipes or Shopping Lists: Select a file from your Dropbox to import recipes or shopping lists directly into COOKmate.
113 thoughts on “Synchronize/backup your recipes with Dropbox (documentation for Android)”
I have purchased.
A new tablet and I’m having difficulty transferring my recipes to the new tablet. I already have a premium account but it is not showing that on the new tablet.Can you help?
Hi Lucia,
Check if you are using the same COOKmate online account on all your devices. You can contact support here if you need some help : https://www.cookmate.support/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hello cookmate team, since I installed the ad-free version, I can no longer connect to Dropbox. Whenever I want to upload my recipes to Dropbox, I get a message after a short time that an error has occurred. what can be the reason?
Does this work anymore? I was trying to use it and it said it was built for an older version for andriod (and it wanted permissions to manage my phone calls????), then when it tells me to log in, an Amazon screen comes up (which is weird because I’m already logged in on the Amazon app AND I’m also logged in the Dropbox app) and when I enter my info it gives me a message “You have to be logged in to run this app” and I can only hit Quit. Really frustrating. And I paid for the pro version a very long time ago.
Hi, yes the dropbox feature still works… But maybe you don’t use the latest release of our app?
You can contact our support here https://mycookbook.zendesk.com/ if you need more help. Thanks!
I purchased My Cookbook Pro app years ago. I know that the recipes don’t sync with the online version anymore, but I paid for Pro app so I wouldn’t lose all my saved recipes from my phone. I just opened my app and only a few recipes are there. What happened to all my saved recipes? I had years worth of recipes saved on the Pro app.
Where are all my recipies? It has taken years to accumulate them. Now they seem to be gone.
You have reached the limits on the free account of My CookBook Online.
The number of recipes is limited on the free account of the online version (http://www.mycookbook-online.net/en/pro/).
When the limits are reached, synchronization between the app and the online account doesn’t work any more.
In order to increase the limits, you have to upgrade your online account.
Another way is to export manually your recipes from the website and import it in the app using our File Import / Export feature http://mycookbook-android.com/site/file-importexport/
My cookbook pro app is on tablet and phone. How do I add to my new LAPTOP? Please help. Thanks
You can use the website : https://www.mycookbook-online.net
In the future would you consider adding a category called Notes or something like that where we can import little memos about food related topics ie measurements, substitutions for ingredients, history of a food topic etc. I just read about why cranberry cans are upside down that I’d love to save. I tried to import the list of substitutions thinking it might put it into the list under ingredients but it didnt work. I love this app and would love for it to have it be my 1 stop food library.
Hi there
Is it possible to set up AUTOMATIC back up to the Dropbox like it works with SDcard?
I have my recipies saved in my dropbox now…but i cant seem to import ir export the to my cookbook??
Can tpu advise
Please check that your files are in the right directory on Dropbox : Apps/My CookBook