Unfortunately, Google removed all conversational actions on June 13, 2023. Cookmate is not available anymore on your Google nest hub.
But you can still open the COOKmate app using the Google assistant on your phone or tablet : Just say “Open Cookmate”, “Find cake on Cookmate”, “Look up cake in Cookmate”, “Open Cookmate meal planner” or “Open Cookmate shopping lists”
We are happy to announce that the Cookmate action is available on your Google assistant!

Open your favorite recipes with your Google assistant!
Follow these steps to use the Cookmate action:
- You need a Cookmate Online account. You can register using this link: https://www.cookmate.online/accounts/register/
- Just say “Hey Google, Talk to Cook mate”
- Google will send you a link on your Google Home app. It will allow to link your Google account with your Cookmate account. You may also find the “Link” button on this page: https://assistant.google.com/services/invoke/uid/00000026957bafd5/alm/CgRnAOazEgIQAQ==?hl=en
- Click on the link button and log in to Cookmate
Now you will be able to view your recipes from your private cookbook with your Google assistant.
Let us know if you have any issue or feedback!
If you have some time, you can help us to translate the Cookmate action in new languages here : https://mycookbook.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project/377181
Commands you can use :
- Launch Cookmate skill :
- Hey Google, Talk to Cook Mate : Your assistant launches the action and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : I want to cook a chocolate cake or just answer a chocolate cake
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Hey Google, Open a chocolate cake : Google finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Hey Google, Search for a chocolate cake
- Hey Google, Find a chocolate cake
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Hey Google, Read ingredients
- Hey Google, Show ingredients
- Read directions : Google reads the first step of your recipe
- Hey Google, Read instructions
- Hey Google, Read the steps
- Read the next step
- Hey Google, Next step
- Hey Google, Next direction
- Read the previous step:
- Hey Google, Previous step
- Hey Google, Read the previous step
- Get the next recipe of your search results
- Hey Google, Get the next recipe
- Hey Google, Show the next recipe
- List your recipes on your Google Nest Hub
- Hey Google, List my recipes
- Hey Google, List chicken recipes
- Launch Cookmate skill :
- Hey Google, Mit Cookmate sprechen : Your assistant launches the action and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : Ich möchte Ich möchte einen Schokoladenkuchen kochen or just answer Schokoladenkuchen
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Hey Google, Öffne einen Schokoladenkuchen : Google finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Hey Google, Suche Schokoladenkuchen
- Hey Google, Finde einen Schokoladenkuchen
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Hey Google, lies die Zutaten
- Hey Google, Zutaten
- Read directions : Google reads the first step of your recipe
- Hey Google, Lies die Zubereitung
- Hey Google, Schritte
- Read the next step
- Hey Google, Nächster Schritt
- Read the previous step:
- Hey Google, Voriger Schritt
- Get the next recipe of your search results
- Hey Google, Suche das nächste Rezept
- Hey Google, Nächstes Rezept
- List your recipes on your Google Nest Hub
- Hey Google, Zeig mir meine Rezepte
- Hey Google, Torte rezepte auflisten
- Démarrer l'action Mon ami cuisinier :
- OK Google, Parler avec Mon ami cuisinier : Google lance l'action Cookmate et vous demande ce que vous souhaitez cuisiner ? Vous pouvez répondre : Je souhaite cuisiner un gâteau au chocolat ou juste la recette du gâteau au chocolat
- Trouver une recette dans votre carnet privé :
- OK Google, Trouve un gâteau au yaourt : Google cherche une recette et vous demande si vous souhaitez lire les ingrédients, lire les instructions, ou rechercher la recette suivante
- OK Google, Trouve la recette du poulet rôti
- OK Google, Ouvre la recette du moelleux au chocolat
- OK Google, Cherche gâteau au chocolat
- Lire les ingrédients de la dernière recette :
- OK Google, Affiche les ingrédients
- OK Google, Montre moi les ingrédients
- Lire les instructions : Google lit la 1ère étape de votre recette
- OK Google, Lire les instructions
- OK Google, Voir les étapes
- Lire l'étape suivante :
- OK Google, étape suivante
- OK Google, instruction suivante
- Lire l'étape précédente :
- OK Google, Lire l'étape précédente
- OK Google, Instruction précédente
- Obtenir la recette suivante de votre dernière recherche
- OK Google, Afficher la recette suivante
- OK Google, Chercher la recette suivante
- List your recipes on your Google Nest Hub
- Hey Google, Liste mes recettes
- Hey Google, Lister les recettes au poulet
- Launch Cookmate skill :
- Ok Google, Parla con Cookmate : Your assistant launches the action and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : Voglio cucinare una torta al cioccolato or just answer una torta al cioccolato
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Ok Google, Apri una torta al cioccolato : Google finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Ok Google, Cerca una torta al cioccolato
- Ok Google, Trova una torta al cioccolato
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Ok Google, Leggi gli ingredienti
- Ok Google, Mostra gli ingredienti
- Read directions : Google reads the first step of your recipe
- Ok Google, Leggi le istruzioni
- Ok Google, Leggi i passaggi
- Read the next step
- Ok Google, Prossimo passaggio
- Ok Google, Prossima istruzione
- Read the previous step:
- Ok Google, Passaggio precedente
- Ok Google, Leggi il passaggio precedente
- Get the next recipe of your search results
- Ok Google, Mostyra la ricetta successiva
- Ok Google, Prossima ricetta
- List your recipes on your Google Nest Hub
- Ok Google, Elenca le mie ricette
- Ok Google, Elenca le ricette di pollo
- Launch Cookmate skill :
- Hey Google, Praat met Cook mate : Your assistant launches the action and asks you what do you want to cook ? You can answer : Ik wil een chocoladetaart bakken or just answer een chocoladetaart
- Find a recipe in your private cookbook :
- Hey Google, Open een chocoladetaart : Google finds a recipe and asks you if you want to read ingredients, read directions, or get the next recipe
- Hey Google, Zoek naar een chocoladetaart
- Hey Google, Toon een chocoladetaart
- Read ingredients of the last recipe :
- Hey Google, Zie ingrediënten
- Hey Google, Toon ingrediënten
- Read directions : Google reads the first step of your recipe
- Hey Google, Lees de stappen
- Hey Google, Aanwijzingen
- Read the next step
- Hey Google, Volgende stap
- Hey Google, Volgende instructie
- Read the previous step:
- Hey Google, Vorige stap
- Hey Google, Vorige instructie
- Get the next recipe of your search results
- Hey Google, Toon het volgende recept
- Hey Google, Volgende recept
- List your recipes on your Google Nest Hub
- Hey Google, Toon mijn recepten
- Hey Google, Toon rundvlees recepten
If you have any issue to link your Google account with your Cookmate account, please check your Google settings on this page : https://myactivity.google.com/activitycontrols
Enable “Web & App Activity”, and check the option “Include Chrome history and activity from sites, apps, and devices that use Google services”

15 thoughts on “Cookmate is available on your Google Assistant !”
Hi, google assistant is telling me it cannot find my account.
I have just set Cook Mate up on a new Google Nest Hub Max to replace an old Android tablet, and the complete reliance on recognising the spoken word when selecting recipes is a major downside, particularly when most of my recipes have non-English words in their title – “machboos” as an example. There is no obvious way of correcting the mis-recognized word and so there will not be any learning by the device! Is there any way of managing this?
Love the app on my phone and bought a Google nest as I wanted to have recipes on a larger screen when I cook. But the recently bought Google device is telling me the app is not available in my country!?!?
Im based in Ireland. Would love if this could be sorted as it’s so handy.
Hi Aran, the Cookmate action should be available in Ireland and all countries … Please send us a picture with the exact error message you have at https://www.cookmate.support/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hoi, just asking: works it only in Englisch? In Dutch I get the following message:
‘met cookmate kook je je favoriete recepten vanuit je online account. Helaas heb ik je stem niet herkend en je account niet gevonden… ‘.
My account on cookmate uses the same e-mailaccount as google assistant. My voice has been added to voicematch.
Anyone any idea how I can get it to work? I really like cookmate for organizing my recipies.
Hi, could you check your Google settings on this page : https://myactivity.google.com/activitycontrols ?
Please Enable “Web & App Activity”, and check the option “Include Chrome history and activity from sites, apps, and devices that use Google services”
Nice addition! I just went through all Dutch translations. There are some errors in the translation where previous is translated into the Dutch word for next. I corrected them. Previous = vorige (not ‘volgende’ which means next).
In the situation were ‘You’ translates into 2 possibilities ‘u’ and ‘je’ the second one is correct. Just like in French it’s a differentiation of the formal and informal way of speaking to somebody. ‘Je’ is the equivalent of ‘tu’ and ‘u’ the equivalent of ‘vous’ (if I’m correct that is, I’ve never been very good at French haha). Google home uses the informal by default in the Dutch version as far as I’m aware which is ‘je’.
I hope this helps. ^^
Le recette disparait au bout de quelques minutes impossible de faire une recette.
Bonjour, c’est malheureusement une limite de Google. Il n’est pas possible de laisser un écran ouvert sans limite de temps….
Ho fatto la traduzione in italiano, spero che questo possa aiutare a collegare l’assistente Google alla mia app Cookmate. Saluti
Great! Thank you! I will have a look and will contact you by email.
È disponibile solo per USA e Francia, non in Italia?
Hi Claudio, Our cookmate action was not yet translated to Italian. Maybe you would like to help us to translate it ?
If you have some time, you can contribute here https://mycookbook.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project/377181
Super intéressant de pouvoir enfin lier mon compte avec l’assistant Google… mais qu’elle commande dois-je lui donner pour sortir de l’application Cookmate ?
Merci & bonne année !
Bonjour et merci pour votre commentaire ! Vous pouvez simplement dire “Hey Google, arrête”
Bonne année !