A new feature is available : group your recipes for fast navigation
Add to a group
Select a group in the existing groups. Or tap the “+” button at the bottom to create a new group.
Open a linked recipe
You will be able to quickly open the other recipes of the group

View a group
If you tap on the name of the group (here “Pizzas”), you will be able to view the details of your group
View a group
When viewing a group, you can tap on a recipe if you want to open it
Tap the trash button if you want to remove a recipe from the group
Tap the “+” button or the edit button in the action bar if you want to add new recipes, or change the name of the group
Edit a group
Add or remove recipes from the group with checkboxes
Manage all groups
If you want to view all your groups, open the main menu and select Categories, tags & groups
6 thoughts on “Group your recipes”
Is there a way to set a filter for groups, like you can for categories, keywords and ratings?
I don’t want to search or go into group management.
very good app
Hi, I appreciate your feedback and am always looking for ways to improve the app.
I have added your request to our wish list and will consider adding this feature in a future release.
Just wondering if there’s a way to put a group in another group? It would be wonderful if there is.
Hi, no sorry we don’t have yet this feature…. I will add your idea in our wish list
I’d like to know how to use tags here.
What about the categories? What are some of the categories for us to use? I would help us if there were some pre categories for us to select and use besides we can type/create our own.
Thank you team!
Categories and tags are used to filter your recipes. You can create your own categories and tags in the “Categories, tags & group” page